Frequently Asked Questions
1. Is treatment required daily?
It is not necessary. Treatment given once in 7 to 15 days gives good recovery.
2. Will skipping the treatment once or twice harm?
The intensity of the disease is reduced in each treatment. Skipping the treatment once or twice does not reduce the improvement already received. However, it’s recommended to continue the treatment for better healing.
3. Approximately, how long will it take to know the difference in the body?
For a few, from the day treatment started, but some may feel the change suddenly after 4 or 5 weeks.
4. What is the period of cure for a disease in acupressure?
There is cure for all diseases with no doubt. You will feel better after few treatments. It is advisable to continue treatment until the condition of the body improves satisfactorily. The conditions of the body of the patients are unique. Therefore, treatment period varies based on the condition of the individuals.
5. Do you have any diet control in Acupressure treatment?
There is no diet control.
6. Without taking test how do we know we have been cured?
It is so easy. Patients have some difficulties when they start the treatment, when problems and difficulties reduce, they say, “It’s better “. No test is required for this. The patients’ brain can be believed hundred percentage. What it says is only true. Diagnosing equipment, machines and test cannot replace a human sense.
7. It is said that the intensity of the disease increases initially and then decrease, is it true?
Yes, some patients may have it. Consider this is a good sign. For example, a patient’s phlegm increases in the lungs and he coughs. In this phlegm is the disease. Cough is a symptom/action of the body to eliminate phlegm. During treatment cough gets increase in some patients and phlegm eliminates. This is the only way to get cured. The phlegm produced in the body, transforms and eliminates. When not done, it increases cough. It is a positive change.
8. Presently, we are taking drugs and medicines for our treatments. Can we continue these drugs along with acupressure treatments?
Discarding drugs and medicines is the best option, drugs block the symptoms of the disease from reaching the brain and nerve system. It reduces the disease. Disease grows unchecked and uncontrolled underneath without showing any symptoms. So, stopping drugs does not harm. At least we will know the condition of the disease.
9. We do not see any improvement in the body even after taking six or eight sittings. Then, is the treatment useless?
Very few will have this condition. Those with less energy state (immune energy) take few months to show changes. It’s for sure, acupuncture does activate them. They will be relieved from the disease suddenly without notice.
10. A patient having say 10 problems informs only 5 of them. The untold difficulties will it get cured?
This is the specialty in acupuncture pulse diagnosis. The said and unsaid problems of the patients are all the symptoms of one disease. All the symptoms subsidize on its own, when treatment is given after identifying the root cause and the diseased organ by acupressure pulse diagnosis.
11. Can we take drugs for any fever or headache during acupressure treatment?
It is not required. We know that waste stagnate develop in the body when it is not properly eliminated is disease. When the immune system (immune energy) is strengthened during acupuncture treatment, it eliminates this waste. This denotes treatment method is functioning well. So, when fever, headache, vomiting, diarrhea occurs food should not be taken until these difficulties reduces. This uneasiness will reduce on its own when you fast as the healing will be faster.
12. What are the diseases that are cured in acupuncture treatment?
Acupressure philosophies’ that all diseases are curable. There is complete scope for this in acupressure treatment.
13. For women, during menstrual periods can they take treatment?
Of course, treatment during the menstrual cycle will also help in relieving all difficulties in those periods.
14. Particularly who can get benefits in this treatment?
People in all age group i.e., from new-born babies to elderly persons will get benefit completely from this treatment.
15. How do you analyze the condition of the disease by acupressure pulse diagnosis?
The energy for the function of vital organs, is it available? Which organ is getting insufficient energy? What is required to balance it? We can understand all these details in seconds! Pulse diagnosis balances the energy flow and acupressure depletes the condition of the disease.
16. Nowadays, knee pain is a common problem faced by many, modern medicine says the knee has torn out. Can acupressure cure in this stage?
Surely, there is no wear & tear in the knee joint. The state of functional energy and under activity of the tendons connecting the joint is the cause of pain. By giving treatment, the energy of the tendons is restored and the pain is relieved fully.
17. Why do tumors formed in liver, ovaries, uterus, glands, etc., can acupressure cure this?
The waste produced in the body stagnates in the form of harmful gas and water. It transforms with respect to the organs it reaches. Watery substance turns into fibroids and tumors. Heat stagnates in these tumors. The trapped heat energy alarmingly grows the cells and tissues – this is unnatural. These tumors grow and burst into cancer cysts. Administering chemical drugs, laser treatment or surgery to reduce the cancer cysts – increases only the gravity of the problem and helps spreading it faster (we do see this around us). The trapped heat energy has to circulate, only then the tumors break and diminish. Acupressure treatment clears these tumors fully.
18. Fine, disease gets cured, can we prevent it?
We should take care of our eating habits. It doesn’t mean that food causes disease but the food habits and the way of eating. We should eat food (by chewing), only when we have an appetite. Drink water (sipping), only when you’re thirst. When there is an unpleasant feeling, stop taking food, or go on fasting. Stuffing the stomach with too much food should be avoided. Food at night should be simple and less in quantity (avoid late night food). Try to have your supper before 7 PM every day, and go to bed before 9 PM to have a better health, and energy flow.
19. Is there any cure for hereditary disease?
Kidneys play an important role in development and growth of the genital organs and the offspring. The activity against the mother’s nature during pregnancy reduces the energy of the kidneys. Chemical drugs, unnatural foods taken during pregnancy further damage the kidneys. During this stage, the fetus grows with weak organs, the under-activity of these organs in later stage transforms into hereditary disease. Acupressure treatment for problems during pregnancy, removes hereditary diseases as well as pave the way for normal and pleasurable childbirth.
20. Can Acupressure cure BP (Blood Pressure)?
BP can be cured easily as it is not at all a disease. In our body, blood flow increases to restore the damaged organ, if any. Restoration of damaged organs are impossible without increased heart rate and BP. So, high BP indicates that there is damage in some organ, that can be easily identified by pulse diagnosis. By balancing its necessary energy, high blood pressure reduces thereby restoring normal heart rate and BP. For example, legs, hands and face get swelling for problem in kidneys. Then, blood pressure develops. When gas trouble increases in stomach, BP also increases.
BP increases when liver gets damage due to alcohol. Therefore, we can understand that BP is not a heart disease. It is essential that the heart rate and BP have to increase until the difficulties in any organ inside the body subsidize.
21. Whether Diabetes can be cured in Acupressure?
First, let’s understand what diabetes is. Only then, we can understand that there’s treatment. The basic reason for Diabetes is the increase in poor quality glucose in the blood gained out of unhealthy food habits and sedentary life style, that reduces the insulin secretion in the body. The secretion of insulin is determined by the quality of glucose gained by digestion. Once Acupressure treatment controls and balances the digestion (energy restored by the under-acting digestive organs) by fully discharging poor quality glucose as urine. Body then gains good quality glucose. Health regains as insulin secretion increases naturally.